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PowerPoint Presentation
NSC Global Sales Presentation using PowerPoint
For the commercial company winning at a large sales pitch is crucial. We gave NSC Global their best shot.
Outline: NSC Global provide outsourcing expertise, including entire projects teams, specifically in the global communications marketplace.
Brief: The Marketing Director had to make a prestigious presentation at a major industry conference in Madrid. Although the essential presentation and content had been completed, the day before the conference he felt it lacked a certain wow factor but was not sure that anything could be achieved in the short timescale
Approach: Fresh were contacted and the situation explained. After a quick assessment an approach was agreed to get the maximum quick win by introducing more overall consistency across the slides, improve the quality of graphics and use more appropriate movement to help their key points stand out.
Result: The changes were made in the available time and the client downloaded them before catching his plane. Response to the revised presentation was very positive and using Fresh to finalise the presentation was a very cost-effective way to benefit the company image. They won the pitch and millions of pounds worth of business as a result.

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Consistently excelling 6th Form College maintains a market lead through the use of sophisticated presentation techniques.

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Sometime you need to tell everybody from your bosses to your suppliers and beyond what your vision is for the future.

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Presenting well is important everywhere in this competitive world. Fresh were provided with a unique challenge form Hay'ds Heath