Do It Yourself PowerPoint Presentations



PowerPoint Templates

On many occasions a consistent template running through your presentation or group of presentations is the way forward.

It is very common for an organisation to have a standard PowerPoint template available for staff to base their in house presentations on, this is normally made available via the company intranet.

This can save a great deal of time when a quick internal catch up is required and Fresh Interactive have helped many organisations to produce or update their in house template.

When it comes to a very important external presentation, to present key ideas (e.g. Sales),to attract new clients or seek funding this may not be the way to go.

See PowerPoint Useful Links for some free templates.

Multi Media Power

We remember 20% of what we hear and up to 80% of what we hear,see and do.

Reading Slides

If your presentation consists of you reading your slides, one, or both of you is redundant.


Know that audience attention peaks at around seven minutes and rises again near the end.